
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Daily 5

Hi, friends! I just finished reading the Daily 5. I am on the fence with this one. Before I start reading CAFE, I want to pose the question out there. Is it possible to combine Daily 5 with Treasures? Also, what if I don't have the technology to do one of the main components of the program, Listening to Reading. What are your experiences with Daily 5? Pros and Cons? With still learning the Common Core, and implementing a few other things this year, would it be too much to try out Daily 5, also?


  1. I am so interested in this topic! I am also reading the Daily 5 book (not finished yet) and have so many questions about how it would work in my classroom. I have a boombox with headphones for the students to listen to reading, but I would be one group listening to the same thing...not sure if that would work with it.I am also wondering how it would work with common core, and the close reading activities that go along with it.

  2. I truly think Daily 5 can be combined with anything. Granted, you have to make it your own and you might only have the "daily 3 or 4" - but you CAN make it work! Last year I did the CAFE book with our basal Journeys. We still read a story a week, but I didn't follow the basal as closely as many teachers do. I used it as a resource, but not as the entire curriculum.

    When you say you don't have the technology, what exactly do you mean? Do you have access to computers? There are so many websites out there that let you listen to stories online for free. StorylineOnline, WeGiveBooks, etc Or last year I purchased a CD player for $20 and I use that. Or I've even been known to play the story from the basal as part of "Listen to Reading".

    Implementing Common Core and starting Daily 5 at the same time might be tough, but it's not impossible. This will be my third year doing the Common Core and it seriously gets easier every year. And I've done Daily 5 for two years, and it continues to get easier as well. I didn't start them together, but I know I could have.

    Feel free to e-mail me or ask any further questions on my blog if you think I can help! :)

  3. This will be the 3rd year I have done Daily 5 in my room. The first year I did it and played around with how it would work in my room. I only did the Daily 3 in my room. I am lucky to have a listening center in my classroom, however our school doesn't have a lot of books on tape for the students to listen to. Sometimes my students will not have that part of Daily 5. It was really easy to implement with Common Core. The Daily 5 allowed for my students to work independently on things at different levels. For example for work on writing, I could have my struggling kiddos working on basic sentences and students who could write stories work on that. It is a little slow getting started because there is a lot of practicing that goes into Read to Self and Read to Someone. My first year I didn't have head phones, but I had a CD player. We talked as a class and decided what the volume should be set at. I turned it all the way up and asked the students if it was too loud...........this gave them some buy in and let them hear what it would sound like. I hope this is helpful :)

  4. Love your blog! I have nominated you for the Lieber Award for new blogs! Go check out the details at my blog:

  5. I will have to share my experiences with Daily 5 with you sometime! I also nominated you for the Liebster Award! Visit my post for details about which questions to answer. (:

    BritneyTailor-made Teaching

  6. I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Head over to my blog at
    Somewhere Between First and Third to read more about it.
